Overall Findings

The main difference between a USB (Universal Serial Bus) connection and an auxiliary input is that USB cords send digital information while aux cables send analog signals. USB cords transfer data as you would to a computer, while aux cables transmit audio as you would to an amplifier or pair of headphones. Which cord you should use depends on the speaker system and setup. USB cords are generally more convenient and deliver better sound, but are only available on digital systems. Aux cords are useful in situations where there is no USB or digital interface, like an old car, record player, or home theater receiver. In some cases, USB controls playback from the device you’re connected to, like a car head unit. Since auxiliary jacks only transfer analog audio signals, you often don’t have the same degree of two-way functionality.

Aux Pros and Cons

The chief benefit of an aux input is that it’s widely used. It’s available on most smartphones, tablets, CD players, head units, portable speakers, record players, and some musical instruments. (The biggest exception being every iPhone made since 2016.) Playback is also simple and easy, with none of the compatibility problems that sometimes plague digital connections. The main drawback is that aux cords tend to wear out faster than USB cords, due to the minimal surface area of the metal jacks. Aux cords also introduce more audible noise due to shorts in the electrical flow. The cords are often shorter, flimsier, and more expensive than USB. With Apple signaling its intent to phase out the 3.5 mm standard on its devices, the standard is not as future-proof as it once was.

USB Pros and Cons

When you connect a phone or mobile device to a head unit or other USB audio interface, the mobile device transmits the data unprocessed. The head unit or speaker system uses its DAC (Digital Audio Converter) to convert the data into an audio signal, resulting in clearer sound with no loss of information. This contrasts with aux cords, which only transmit digital audio if it’s been processed by the audio source, resulting in more lossy sound. Some head units and audio interfaces take direct control of a smartphone through the USB connection. This is sometimes referred to as direct control, and it’s safer and more convenient while driving. The level of integration varies from one unit to another. Despite their growing use, USB connections aren’t as universal as aux or headphone inputs. Apart from modern iPhones, you can use an aux connection on almost every audio playing device. The same cannot be said of USB.

Formats and Definitions: Old vs. New

An auxiliary input isn’t a specific type of connection like USB. It refers to an additional or secondary connection. There are many kinds of Aux cables and connections. The most common is a 3.5 mm jack, which is the same type of tip-ring-sleeve (TRS) or tip-ring-ring-sleeve (TRRS) connector used to connect headphones. (That’s why they’re sometimes called headphone jacks.) Anytime you see “aux input” on a head unit, home theater receiver, or audio interface, it refers to this type of input—a male-to-male 3.5 mm TRRS cable. Home stereos usually have the same connection, as well as RCA, optical, 1/4-Inch TS, and other connections. USB is an industry-standard for digitally connecting computers and peripheral devices. Having gone through several generations since its invention in the 1990s, USB remains the go-to wired format for connecting and controlling digital audio devices, as well as peripheral tools like storage drives, printers, keyboards, and modems.

What Is DAC?

DAC stands for Digital-to-Analog Converter. A DAC takes digital data and turns it into an analog signal that can then drive speakers or headphones. Whenever you listen to digital audio on a car or home stereo, a DAC takes the digital information from your phone and processes it into an audio signal. While auxiliary inputs and USB are both ways to connect a phone to a stereo, there can be a difference in quality based on the DACs involved. This is because an aux connection utilizes the DAC in a phone. In contrast, a USB connection allows the DAC on a car stereo or audio interface to process the data.