Who Are Instagram Creator Profiles For?

Instagram Creator accounts are for individuals with a large following who want to create their own personal business or brand. Instagram influencers are the intended user base for such accounts. Large organizations and companies are better suited for Instagram Business accounts. The main difference between Creator and Business accounts is the Instagram shop feature, which is only available to Business account owners. If you want to run a store on Instagram, use a Business account. There are no limits on who can have which sort of Instagram account. So, if you want, you could try each type to see which one suits you the most.

Instagram Creator Profile Features and Limitations

Instagram Creator profile features differ slightly from Business profile options. Creator profiles are designed for individuals who manage their Instagram accounts by themselves, without a team to support them, yet still want to access data to help them grow their profile and brand and make money on the social network. Here are the main features available with an Instagram Creator account:

Customizable category labels: Choose from job categories such as Writer, Actor, or Video Game Content Creator, or disable the option entirely.Contact options: Choose what contact information, if any, you want to display on your profile.Better insights: More nuanced data to track which posts do well and when users unfollow or follow you.Inbox filter options: Primary and General tabs are added to the Instagram DM inbox for sorting messages.Quick replies: Select from a variety of pre-written replies when responding to DMs.Request filter options: Sort your requests by account importance and date.Influencer shoppable posts: Add shoppable tags to your posts that link to another account’s store. Thses tags can be effective when trying to make money on Instagram with sponsored posts.

While several features can be appealing to solo creators or influencers with a Creator account, there are some limitations. For example:

Lack of third-party app support: The Creator account’s API isn’t supported by third parties. If you manage an Instagram Business account via a service such as Hootsuite or Tailwind, you can’t use the service if you switch to a Creator account. No Instagram Shop feature: To run a shop from your Instagram profile to sell your products, you’ll need an Instagram Business account.

How to Switch to an Instagram Creator Account

Anyone can switch their personal or Business account to a Creator account at any time. Conversely, anyone can change their Creator account back to a Business or personal account whenever they like. No data is lost when changing account types.