Here we describe each layout and why you would want to use it. We also show you how to change the layout of an existing slide or choose the layout for a new one.

How to View Layout Options

When you open a new presentation in PowerPoint, you see a single slide with the Title Slide layout. To view the other slide layouts available, on the ribbon select Home > Slides > Layout. Let’s explore each of the layouts so you can choose the ones that are right for your presentation.

Title Slide

When you begin a new presentation in PowerPoint, the application assumes you’ll start with a title. The Title Slide layout could be used to convey other information, but it’s designed to be a single slide for a title and subtitle at the beginning of your presentation.

Title and Content

The Title and Content slide layout is the simplest aside from the Title Slide. It’s designed for exactly what it says: a title and content related to that title. Note that you can insert not just text but other types of content as well:

TableChartSmartArt GraphicPictureOnline PictureVideo

Section Header

The Section Header layout is designed to announce the information contained in the next few slides. In our presentation example, the section header title is Acme System Modules. This title signals to the audience that the next few slides will discuss the various modules contained within the Acme System. Typically you should only use Section Headers if you have at least two sections.

Two Content

The Two Content slide layout gives you ample room for two types of content. Of course, you can add more than one type of content in any slide, but this format creates predefined areas for each type, making your slide look polished without you having to move content boxes around.


The Comparison layout is similar to the Two Content layout. The exception is that the Comparision layout provides areas in which to place headings for each of the two sections. The idea here is that you’ll be comparing two things in the main text area and naming them in those headings.

Title Only

The Title Only layout is exactly what it says, a slide with a placeholder for only a title, no content. You could add a new content box to place content in if you want. If not, you might want to use this type of layout when you don’t yet have information about the topic in the title or when you want to fill the remaining space with an image rather than text.


The Blank slide layout is handy for when you want to create your own layout, especially when none of the other layouts seem appropriate for your content.

Content With Caption

The Content With Caption layout is designed to display a few brief bullet points with a title and caption to explain at a glance what they’re about. As with all the other layout options, you can put any kind of content you want into the content boxes but this design works well for its intended purpose.

Picture With Caption

This layout is similar to Content With Caption, except that a picture rather than content is the primary element on the slide. The title and caption still work well for describing the primary content.

How to Choose or Change Layouts

If you decide one or more of your slide layouts isn’t quite right for the information you want to communicate, you can easily change them. Here’s how:

Choose Layout Before Adding New Slide

You can also choose the layout when you’re getting ready to add a new slide. Use the steps above, with these exceptions:

In step #1 choose the slide after which you want the new slide to appear.In step #2 use the path Home > Slides > New Slide (down-arrow).