Overall Findings

The Metaverse and virtual reality are intertwined, but they aren’t the same thing, and they aren’t even in the same class of concepts. The Metaverse is a platform that could augment or even replace the Internet, while virtual reality is a technology that lets you experience virtual worlds. Virtual reality is also something you can experience right now, while the Metaverse is still in development, and its final form isn’t yet clear. The Metaverse will likely be accessible through virtual reality, but also through augmented reality (AR), and even traditional devices like computers and phones. The Metaverse could also leverage the blockchain and other technologies to decentralize control and allow users to create and own their own assets, similar to how web3 is currently envisioned. Since the Metaverse doesn’t yet exist, it’s impossible to know exactly what path it will take.

Accessibility: You Can Use Virtual Reality Right Now

One of the biggest differences between virtual reality and the Metaverse is that virtual reality is available right now. If you want to try a virtual experience, and you’re not sure if you should wait for the Metaverse or try virtual reality, don’t wait. There’s no way to know exactly how long it will be before the Metaverse is implemented, or even exactly how it will be implemented, while VR is already available from multiple companies, through multiple platforms, today. When the Metaverse does arrive, it’s likely to be more accessible than virtual reality. While the cost of buying virtual reality gear has come down over the years, and it’s easier to use now than it was in the past, the Metaverse is likely to be accessible in multiple ways. Virtual reality is a big part of it, but you’ll likely also be able to experience it through augmented reality and even devices you already have like your phone, tablet, or computer, just in a less immersive way.

Scope: Virtual reality is just one aspect of the Metaverse

Virtual reality is likely to be a big part of the Metaverse, but it will still just be one aspect of a much larger platform. One of the basic ideas behind the Metaverse is that it could augment, or even replace, the internet, as a completely new way to share information, socialize, work, and play. While virtual reality includes a lot of similar experiences in the form of games and apps, these experiences are disjointed and disconnected from each other. In contrast, the Metaverse could allow you to pass seamlessly from one to the next with no more difficulty than pointing your web browser to a new website.

Permanence: The Metaverse will be a persistent world of worlds

The Metaverse is expected to be a persistent world that itself is made up of many connected worlds that are also persistent. That means everything keeps running even when you aren’t connected, and anything that’s changed, created, or destroyed remains that way the next time you connect. Since virtual reality experiences are all disconnected from each other, there is no continuity between them. Some virtual reality games feature persistent worlds, while others are more basic games that you play from the start every time without anything changing. Some VR games let you craft and create things, but only in that game. In the Metaverse, it may be possible for users to buy, sell, trade, and even create permanent virtual goods and assets of their own that continue to exist even after logging out.

Final Verdict: Metaverse Is Still Too Early

Virtual reality is a technology you can experience today, while the Metaverse is a work in progress that we can only speculate about. The Metaverse will almost certainly include VR as a way to access it, but could also leverage AR and other technologies. If you’re interested in the idea of virtual experiences, then you should check out one of the VR headsets that already exist, like the Quest 2 or Vive Pro. On the other hand, if you’re just interested in technology and intrigued about how the internet and other connected experiences could evolve in the future, you’ll want to keep an eye on how the Metaverse develops.