One clue that your link may be dangerous is that the URL seems too short. While link-shortening services such as Bitly are popular and common tools for creating shorter links, malware distributors and phishers use link shortening to conceal their links’ true destinations. You can’t tell if a short link is dangerous just by looking at it. Use a link-expansion service such as ChecShortURL to reveal a short link’s true intended destination. (Visit the ChecShortURL website for more information.) Some link-expander sites even tell you if the link is on a list of known “bad sites.” Another option is to load a browser plug-in that will show you a short link’s destination if you right-click on the short link.

A common phishing ploy is to send an email that seems as if it comes from your bank. These emails usually instruct victims to “verify your information” by clicking a link, ostensibly to go to the bank’s website. If you received an unsolicited email that is supposedly from your bank asking you to click a link, then you are likely the target of a phishing attack. Even if the link to your bank looks legitimate, don’t click it. Visit your bank’s website through your web browser, either by entering its address or accessing a bookmark. This advice holds true for unsolicited texts from your “bank,” as well.

Some malware distributors conceal the destination of malware or phishing sites by using what is known as URL encoding. For example, with URL encoding, the letter A translates to %41. Using encoding, malware distributors can mask destinations, commands, and other nasty stuff within a link so that you can’t read it. Use a URL decoding tool, such as URL Decoder, to figure out the exact URL destination. (Visit the URL Decoder website for more information.)

Link scanners are websites and plug-ins that let you enter the URL of a suspicious link and check it for safety. Visit the Norton SafeWeb website, the URLVoid website, and the ScanURL website to learn about these products’ link safety-checking capabilities. They index the remote destination and then report what was found so you never have to load the site on your own computer.

Turn on Real-Time or Active Scanning in Anti-Malware Software

Take advantage of any active or real-time scanning options provided by your anti-malware software. These options may use more system resources, but it’s better to catch malware while it’s trying to enter your system rather than after your computer has already been infected.

Keep Your Anti-Malware and Antivirus Software Up to Date

If your anti-malware or antivirus software doesn’t access the latest virus definitions, it’s can’t catch the latest threats in the wild that might infect your machine. Make sure your software is set to auto-update on a regular basis and check the date of its last update to ensure that updates are actually taking place.

Consider Adding a Second-Opinion Malware Scanner

A second-opinion malware scanner can offer a second line of defense should your primary antivirus fail to detect a threat. Some excellent second-opinion scanners, such as Malwarebytes and Hitman Pro, can make a real difference.