Ways to Find Out if You’re Blocked on Snapchat

Here are the main actions you should take to determine if someone has blocked you on Snapchat. If none of these steps worked, your friend likely deleted their account. Open the Snapchat app and navigate to the conversations tab by tapping the speech bubble icon at the bottom of the screen to the left of the camera snap button. If the user who you suspect blocked you isn’t appearing in your Chat list despite having a recent conversation with them, that’s a big clue. However, you still need to move on to the next step to confirm the block. Alternatively, you might not have had a recent conversation with the user in question or forgot that you cleared your history. If this is the case, move on to the next step. It’s vital to understand the difference between being blocked and being deleted on Snapchat. If a user blocked you, you wouldn’t find any trace of their account, and you will be unable to contact them in any way from your blocked account. If a user deleted you from their Friends list, you’d still find them in your Friends list, and you’ll be able to continue sending them snaps. Depending on their Snapchat privacy settings, however, they may not receive them if they only allow their friends to contact them. To search for the user who you suspect blocked you, tap the Search function at the top of the screen on the conversations tab or snap tab, marked by a magnifying glass icon. Start typing the username or full name of the user you want to look up. If the user shows up in search results, they’ll appear under the My Friends label in you’re still in their Friends list or under the Add Friends label if they deleted you from their Friends list. If the user you’re looking for doesn’t show up at all despite searching for their exact username, then they either blocked you or deleted their Snapchat account.

Ask a friend to search for the user from their account.Sign out of your account and create a brand new account to search for that user.

The first option is the easiest because it means you won’t have to do all the extra work involved with signing up for a new account. Pick a friend, relative, coworker, or other acquaintance who’s on Snapchat and isn’t friends with the user you think might have blocked you. Ask them to search for the user by their username (if you know it) or their full name. If you instead decide to create a new account, you’ll have to sign out of your existing Snapchat account or download the app to a different mobile device if you have access to one. Tap the Sign Up button to create your account. Snapchat will ask you to provide your full name, birthdate, a username, a password, and phone number (or email address). Now go ahead and either instruct your friend or use your new account to repeat step two above. If you or your friend happen to be successful in finding the user account you were looking for, then that’s enough to confirm that they have indeed blocked you.