What Affects TV Reception

Several conditions affect TV reception.


You may be too far from one or more TV station transmitters, which prevents signal reception. If you are too far, you’ll experience the digital cliff, which is an abrupt TV signal drop-off. This is a by-product of the analog-to-digital TV broadcasting transition. With analog TV signals, as distance increased between the TV transmitter and the receiving antenna, there was gradual fading. Although you could be too far to receive the best quality, you could still watch a low-quality signal with a fuzzy image if it didn’t bother you. TV signals are now transmitted digitally (1s and 0s), and there’s no gradual fading as distance increases. You receive full quality all the time, intermittently, or not all. As you approach the digital cliff, the image may appear blocky, or it may cut out and come back.


TV signals are affected by physical obstacles, including hills and trees. Some materials used in home construction, such as stucco, concrete, aluminum siding, metal roofs, foil-lined ducts and conduits, and solar panels limit the effectiveness of indoor or attic-placed antennas. Weather (such as wind and rain), interference from certain types of electrical equipment, and LTE cell towers sometimes temporarily cut off a TV signal. At very long distances, the earth’s curvature can affect TV signal reception.

Antenna Type

You might have several station transmitters in your local area, but these transmitters may not be in the same location. One station might transmit from the north, another from the west, and another from the east. If you have a directional antenna, it may not receive signals from multiple transmitter locations. If you have a multi-directional or omnidirectional antenna, interference is more likely.

Number of TVs Using the Same Antenna

If more than one TV is connected to the same antenna using a splitter, the signal loses strength. If three or four TVs are connected to an antenna, one or two might look fine, and the rest may only receive signals intermittently or not at all. You may create a homemade cliff effect.

TV Tuner Sensitivity

The sensitivity of your TV’s tuner or a DTV converter box also affects antenna reception.

Steps to Improve TV Antenna Reception

Knowing what causes antenna reception problems, you can use one or more of the following options to improve your TV signal.

Get A New Antenna

If you can’t improve the reception of your current antenna, another option is to change it out for a new one. However, before you buy, consider the following: If you have an outdoor antenna, cables can get worn when exposed to the elements. Indoor antennas can be chewed by pets. Make sure the antenna connection terminals aren’t rusted, and check the entire length of the cable, if possible, for breaks or cuts. You may not be able to check the portion of the cable that runs through a wall. If the cable is left over from the analog TV era, it may be 20 AWG (American Wire Gauge) RG59. Consider replacing it with a thicker 18 AWG RG6 cable. RG6 does a better job with digital TV signals, as it supports wider bandwidth, long-distance runs, and holds up better outdoors. Costs of cables vary depending on brand and length. Prices start at a few dollars for a three-foot or six-foot length. A more practical solution is to use a distribution amplifier. You connect the main feed from the antenna to the input on the amplifier and connect the outputs of the amplifier to your TVs. Distribution amplifier prices vary depending on the brand, model, and the number of outputs provided. The most common type is a small inline unit that you insert between the antenna and TV (or DTV converter box) and that has a fixed amount of reduced gain (3db, 6dB, 12dB). The hard part is figuring out how much gain reduction you need. One that has a variable gain control (3dB to 12dB) is best so that you can adjust it. Don’t fall for HD antenna advertising hype. All TV antennas receive analog, digital, and HD TV signals. Even those old rabbit ears can be used to receive digital and HD TV signals if the station transmitters are in range. However, newer antennas have better designs for pulling in signals but not because these are labeled HD antennas. If you canceled satellite, you can’t use the dish to receive over-the-air TV signals. The dish is not the correct shape and has internal circuitry that isn’t suitable for broadcast TV reception. However, if the coaxial cabling that connected the dish to your TV is in good shape, replace the dish with a TV antenna if the location is clear of obstacles for receiving terrestrial digital TV signals. Check out an example of how to replace the satellite signal receptor with a TV antenna. Find out if local stations broadcast on VHF or UHF. As a result of the DTV transition in 2009, most TV stations that formerly broadcast on channels 2-13 (VHF band) moved to UHF (channels 14-83) for digital broadcasting. Since it takes more power to transmit at higher frequencies, the effective range of the signals may be reduced. Switch from an indoor to an outdoor antenna. An outdoor antenna can improve your TV reception. If you have a directional antenna, consider switching to an omnidirectional antenna. This provides better access to TV signals from different directions. However, the antenna’s sensitivity decreases for signals coming from a specific direction (the antenna is less focused). While a directional antenna may receive a station farther away in a single direction, you may lose it if you switch to an omnidirectional antenna that works well for closer stations. Antenna prices vary and range from less than $10 for a basic indoor antenna to over one hundred dollars for a long-range outdoor model.