What is Statistical Significance?

Imagine you want to know which of two dice will give a better score. You roll the first die and get a 2; you roll the second die and get a 6. Does this tell you the second die usually gives higher scores? If you answered, “Of course not,” then you already have some understanding of statistical significance. You understand the difference was due to the random change in the score, each time a die is rolled. Because the sample was very small (only one roll) it didn’t show anything significant. Now imagine you roll each die 6 times:

The first die rolls 3, 6, 6, 4, 3, 3; Mean = 4.17The second die rolls 5, 6, 2, 5, 2, 4; Mean = 4.00

Does this now prove the first die gives higher scores than the second? Probably not. A small sample with a relatively small difference between the means makes it likely the difference is still due to random variations. As we increase the number of dice rolls it becomes difficult to give a common sense answer to the question — is the difference between the scores the result of random variation or is one actually more likely to give higher scores than the other? Significance is the probability that an observed difference between samples is due to random variations. Significance is often called the alpha level or simply ‘α.’ The confidence level, or simply ‘c,’ is the probability that the difference between the samples is not due to random variation; in other words, that there’s a difference between the underlying populations. Therefore: c = 1 – α We can set ‘α’ at whatever level we want, to feel confident we’ve proven significance. Very often α=5% is used (95% confidence), but if we want to be really sure that any differences are not caused by random variation, we might apply a higher confidence level, using α=1% or even α=0.1%. Various statistical tests are used to calculate significance in different situations. T-tests are used to determine whether the means of two populations are different and F-tests are used to determine whether the variances are different.

Why Test for Statistical Significance?

When comparing different things, we need to use significance testing to determine if one is better than the other. This applies to many fields, for example:

In business, people need to compare different products and marketing methods.In sports, people need to compare different equipment, techniques, and competitors.In engineering, people need to compare different designs and parameter settings.

If you want to test whether something performs better than something else, in any field, you need to test for statistical significance.

What is a Student’s T-Distribution?

A Student’s t-distribution is similar to a normal (or Gaussian) distribution. These are both bell-shaped distributions with most results close to the mean, but some rare events are quite far from the mean in both directions, referred to as the tails of the distribution. The exact shape of the Student’s t-distribution depends on the sample size. For samples of more than 30 it’s very similar to the normal distribution. As the sample size is reduced, the tails get larger, representing the increased uncertainty that comes from making inferences based on a small sample.

How to Do a T-Test in Excel

Before you can apply a T-Test to determine whether there’s a statistically significant difference between the means of two samples, you must first perform an F-Test. This is because different calculations are performed for the T-Test depending on whether there’s a significant difference between the variances.

Checking and Loading the Analysis Toolpak Add-In

To check and activate the Analysis Toolpak follow these steps:

Performing an F-Test and a T-Test in Excel

F: The ratio between the variances.P(F<=f) one-tail: The probability that variable 1 doesn’t actually have a larger variance than variable 2. If this is larger than alpha, which is generally 0.05, then there’s no significant difference between the variances.F Critical one-tail: The value of F that would be required to give P(F<=f)=α. If this value is greater than F, this also indicates there’s no significant difference between the variances.