How To Uninstall Android Apps Through The Settings App

When you buy an Android phone, it usually comes with preinstalled software. This software can be useful, or it can be an annoying drain on your phone’s battery and processor. If you’re sick of this “bloatware,” here’s how to get rid of it. First, you should see how much of the bloatware can be removed.

Uninstall Apps Through The Google Play Store

If you’d prefer not to use the settings app, you can also uninstall apps through the Google Play Store.

Disable Bloatware And Other Pre-Installed Apps

If you’re not going to use an app, and aren’t comfortable with some methods we’ll discuss for getting rid of bloatware below, you can limit your risk of security loopholes by disabling these apps. Disabling an app means it won’t run, can’t be “woken up” automatically by other apps, and also shuts down any background processes the app may engage in.

How Can I Remove Bloatware Completely?

In some cases, you may want to eradicate bloatware. In this scenario, your best option is to “root” your phone. We have a full guide to rooting an Android that you can follow, but we should discuss what rooting is and its pros and cons before you do. “Rooting” makes you the “superuser” of your phone, from a software perspective. Android is built on Linux, a common open-source computer operating system, and in Linux, the “root” is the captain of the device. It approves all apps, actions, and other behaviors a computer engages in. When you buy a phone from a manufacturer or a carrier, you are often not “root.” For many reasons, such as allowing carriers and manufacturers to repair and update a device remotely. However, some would argue that this privilege reserved by manufacturers and carriers is abused when it comes to bloatware. In their view, it’s a bit like a landlord demanding you set aside a room for his kids to play in whenever they feel like it, regardless of the damage they might do. Maybe they’ll be quiet, maybe they’ll burn the house down, but why should you be on the hook? The main upside is you’ll be able to install any variety of Android you please, from Google’s stock version to custom designs such as the NSA’s highly secure “Fishbowl” version that locks down your data completely. The main drawback with rooting the phone is that you will take full responsibility for its operation. Rooting a phone may disable certain security features, prevent you from downloading certain apps. It will potentially open the door to “bricking” your device, that is, disabling it permanently by damaging its software by accident. It also may invalidate or otherwise. Rooting can be done with many approaches, such as using a third-party app on your computer to completely wiping your phone’s memory and installing Android from scratch. Our guide (above) can offer more information, but you should choose to root or not, and how you root your device based on your level of comfort with the technology. If something troubles you, don’t do it.