Correct Low Center Channel Using an AV Receiver

If you have a fairly recent model AV receiver for your sound, check the setup menu to see if you can adjust the center channel output level or adjust the center channel equalization. Often, you can adjust the other channels as well. Many AV receivers have a built-in test tone generator to assist in this task. In addition, many AV receivers also have an automatic speaker level setup function (MCACC, YPAO, ZVOX, and others). By using a provided microphone and built-in test tones, the AV receiver can calibrate and adjust the speaker settings automatically according to the size of the speakers you use, the room size, and the distance of each speaker from the listening area. However, if the automatic speaker level settings aren’t to your liking, you can make manual adjustments. An easy way to emphasize the center channel and keep the other channels balanced is to manually bump up the center channel speaker level by one or two dB (decibels). Do this after the initial automatic speaker level setting process is complete.

Correct the Center Channel Using a DVD or Blu-ray Disc Player

Another way to ensure better center channel dialog levels is with your Blu-ray Disc or DVD player setup menu. Some Blu-ray/DVD players have one of the two following settings (these settings can also be found on many AV receivers). Dialog enhancement emphasizes the center channel dialog track using a dynamic compression or dynamic range adjustment (sometimes referred to as Audio DRC). Activating this setting makes all channels sound more even in volume, which makes the center channel dialog stand out effectively. By using the tools that may be provided with your existing components, you can avoid the frustration of putting up with a less-than-desirable listening situation.

Other Factors Contributing to Weak Center Channel Output

Low or poor center channel performance can also be the result of using an inadequate center channel speaker. When deciding what type of speaker to use for a center channel in a home theater system, consider the performance characteristics of your left and right main speakers. The reason for this is that the center channel speaker needs to be sonically compatible with the left and right main speakers. In other words, the center channel speaker should have identical or similar specifications to the left and right main speakers. The reason for this is that most of the dialog and action taking place in the center of a movie or television show emanates directly from the center channel speaker. If the center channel speaker cannot output the high, mid, and upper bass frequencies adequately, the center channel sound may be weak, tinny, and lack depth in relation to the other main speakers. This results in an unsatisfying listening experience. Having the right center channel speaker goes a long way to making any other needed center channel adjustments on either your receiver, Blu-ray Disc, or DVD player more effective in resolving low center channel dialog or other center channel sound output issues.