DOCSIS and Cable Modems

The Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS) standard supports cable modem networks. All cable broadband internet connections require the use of a DOCSIS-compatible modem. Three major versions of DOCSIS modems exist:

DOCSIS versions 1.0 and 1.1 became available in the late 1990s. They are obsolete now in most parts of the world. These modems support up to 38 Mbps downloads and 9 Mbps uploads. DOCSIS 2.0 supports the same 38 Mbps download speeds as 1.x but increases the maximum upload bandwidth to 27 Mbps. Newer D2.x modems also support IPv6. Check the product documentation to confirm. DOCSIS 3.0 and 3.1 support IPv6 and higher bandwidth connections (over 100 Mbps) than D1.x/D2.x. These modems are backward compatible with older DOCSIS versions and networks.

A D3 modem is appropriate for modern cable internet. Although prices for new D3 modems can be higher than for older versions, the price difference has lessened substantially in the past few years. D3 products provide a longer useful lifetime than older versions and may enable higher-speed connections than older modems.

When Not to Buy a Cable Modem

Check your internet service terms of service to make sure the provider doesn’t require you to use only provided equipment. Also, if you’re considering a change in internet service providers, you might save money by renting for now.

Renting Cable Modems

Buying a cable modem usually saves money in the long run over renting one. In return for providing a unit that is guaranteed to be compatible, internet providers typically charge at least $5 per month. The unit might be used, and if it fails completely (or especially, has intermittent problems), the provider can be slow to replace it. To ensure you buy a broadband modem that’s compatible with your internet provider’s network, check with friends or family who use the same provider. Online retail and tech help sites also maintain lists of modems compatible with the major providers.

Wireless Gateways for Cable Internet

Most broadband providers offer units that integrate the functions of a wireless router and broadband modem into one device. These wireless gateways have built-in DOCSIS modems. Subscriptions to combined internet, television, and phone services require using these devices instead of standalone modems. Like standalone modems, they’re available for purchase through the usual outlets. Check your provider’s website to ensure compatibility.

Is Your Cable Modem Compatible?

If you’re considering buying a modem, check for compatibility with your provider. Many cable internet service providers provide lists and tools to check if the modem you’re considering is compatible with their services. A few examples are:

Xfinity Spectrum Cox