Keep reading to learn how to add bullet-point lists to a Google Slides presentation and get them to look the way you want.

How to Add Bullet Points to Google Slides on the Web

The web version of Google Slides is accessible via the official Google Slides website on any internet web browser such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave, and Mozilla Firefox.

How to Make Bullet Points in Google Slides on iOS

The official Google Slides iOS app is available for free from the App Store and works on Apple’s iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad smart devices.

How to Make Bullet Points in Google Slides on Android

Google Slides is available as an app for Android smartphones and tablets and is free to download from the Google Play Store.

How to Add a Bullet Point List Within a Bullet Point List

Adding mini lists inside of a main bullet point list can be a great way to organize different points or subjects and make your presentation easier to understand for the viewer. Here’s how to do it on the web, iOS, and Android.

Web: To make a mini list within the main list in the web version of Google Slides, simply tap the Tab key when starting a new point. Double-tap Enter to return to the main list of bullet points.iOS: To create a list within a list on the Google Slides iOS app, tap in the indent icon next to the bullet point icon in the toolbar while typing. It’s the one that looks like a triangle pointing to the right of three horizontal lines sandwiched between two larger lines. To return to the main list, tap the indent icon that has the triangle pointing to the left.Android: The Google Slides app on Android also allows for mini lists to be created within the main list. While typing in the main list, tap the indent icon in the toolbar with the triangle pointing to the right. Tap the indent icon pointing to the left to go back to the main list.

Can I Make a Numbered List in Google Slides?

In addition to bullet-point lists, Google Slides also supports numbered lists and a variety of other list styles. The numbered list icon is typically located next to the bullet point list icon on the toolbar when a text area is selected or you are actively typing.

Do Google Slides Lists Work in Microsoft PowerPoint?

All formatting made within Google Slides, including bullet point lists, is fully compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint. Adding bullet points or numbered lists to a Google Slides presentation shouldn’t cause any formatting errors or glitches when converting to a PowerPoint file.

How to Use Bullet Points in Google Slides Presentations

Bullet point lists can be useful in a presentation when you need to convey a lot of information at once in an easy-to-understand and quick-to-read style that doesn’t necessarily rank ideas in order of importance or value. Here are some examples of topics where bullet point lists can come in handy:

Ingredients in a food recipe.Side effects of medication.Compatible or incompatible hardware.A shopping list.Main points to remember from a speech.A list of examples such as this one.

Here are some situations where numbered lists might work better:

A series of instructions or steps.A ranking of importance or value.When communicating a specific order of events.

Give it a try and make your point in a crisp, clear way.