Overall Findings

Deciding whether HomePod or Google Home is the best device for you depends on how you plan to use it. Both speakers can do the same kinds of things—answer questions, set timers, control smart-home devices, stream music—but the ways they do them, and the tools they use, can be different.

The Best Intelligent Assistant: Google Is Hard to Beat

The thing that makes a smart speaker smart is the intelligent assistant that listens for your voice and responds to your commands. It’s not the only factor in deciding which speaker is best for you, but it’s a big one. There’s no question that Google Assistant is far ahead of Siri. Siri responds well to a limited set of commands and questions, but Google Assistant responds well to a wider set of scenarios and draws from a larger pool of information.

Streaming Music: It’s a Tie

Streaming music is one of the best uses for a smart speaker. Just shouting out “play some happy music” is both a fun trick and a great mood lifter. Both speakers can play virtually any streaming music service you prefer. The difference is built-in support. HomePod delivers Apple Music support, which means it can be controlled via voice, but it supports all streaming over AirPlay. The same is true for Google Home, except it has built-in support for Google services and streams over Bluetooth. Your preferred service should guide your decision, but fundamentally, you can stream virtually anything on both devices.

Sound Quality: Apple Is Best-in-Class

The range of music services supported by a smart speaker isn’t the only thing to pay attention to. Your music and podcasts should sound fantastic. Apple has positioned HomePod as an audio device first, a smart speaker second, and it shows in the sound quality. It sounds clear, detailed, and huge. Google Home delivers decent sound, but can’t match the room-rattling HomePod.

Smart Home: Control Your Thermostat, Lights, And More

If you’re making your home smarter with internet-connected, app-controlled smart home gadgets, both HomePod and Home can help. You can speak to either device and ask them to raise or lower the temperature, turn off the lights, or perform other tasks.

Messaging and Calls: To Text or Not to Text

With a smart speaker in your house, sending texts and making phone calls doesn’t require your smartphone. Both Home and HomePod have some notable limitations in these areas. HomePod has a slight edge since it supports calls and texts, with a few hiccups. Google Home only sends texts with awkward workarounds. Neither option is ideal.

Form Factor and Use in the House: Google Gets Colorful

Different rooms and uses may call for smart speakers that come in different shapes and styles. The HomePod is typical of Apple hardware. It is beautifully designed, built to the highest standards, but also somewhat limited in its style options. If versatility and adaptability are what you want out of your smart speaker, Google Home—with its multiple sizes and colors—is your best bet.

Multiple Users: Tools For the Whole Family

If you have more than one person in your household, you’ll have more than one person who wants to use your smart speaker. But different smart speakers work with multiple users in different ways.

Ecosystem Integration: Access a Broad Range of Services

When buying a smart speaker, get one that works well with the broadest range of services and gadgets you use. That kind of compatibility makes these devices most useful. Similar to the streaming music services category, this one is mostly a toss-up that is determined by what ecosystem you invested in. If you own Apple products, HomePod will interact with them smoothly and offer deep connections. On the other hand, Google fans will find Home gives them the best experience.

Final Verdict: Google Home Stands Out

When comparing just Google Home vs. Apple HomePod, Home stands out with its advanced features, multi-user support, and third-party apps. The smarts in the smart speaker are also an advantage. Google Assistant is a lot smarter than Siri.  HomePod is a great device if you primarily want to use it for music and other types of audio playback. But if you’re looking for a versatile smart speaker with a well-rounded feature set, Google Home is the pick.