Is There a Device Limit for Disney Plus?

Yes. You can stream to four separate devices simultaneously but any more than that will trigger error code 75. To clear the code, stop streaming on the extra devices. Devices can be any combination of televisions, tablets, phones, gaming consoles, or computers. They can also be located anywhere: Whether or not they are in the same house or in four different locations across the country doesn’t matter. What matters is whether or not they are being used under the same account at the same time.

Is There a Profile Limit for Disney Plus?

Yes. There is a limit of seven profiles per Disney Plus account. This can be a bit confusing since the device limit is four; the key is to remember that just because you have a lot of people in your household, you can still only watch on a maximum of four devices at the same time.

Can I Download Disney Plus Content to Multiple Devices?

You can get around the four-device limit restriction by downloading movies and shows to your devices to play offline instead. Each Disney Plus account can support up to 10 devices at once for downloadable content. That content can stay indefinitely on your mobile device, by the way; just be sure to log into your Disney Plus account once every 30 days. To watch offline, use the Disney Plus app to download the titles you want to view later. Just go to the movie or show and click the Download icon. The title will load to your mobile device to watch later at your leisure. Because you will technically be offline when viewing the downloaded title, it won’t count against the four device simultaneous streaming limit. The only thing that will limit the number of movies or shows you can download is the amount of storage on your device.

How Many Accounts Can You Have?

You can have as many Disney Plus accounts as you wish to pay for. However, you will need to sign up for each account separately using different email addresses and pay separately for each account you create.

Is Account Sharing Allowed?

Technically, Disney does not allow account sharing. However, the company recognizes that password sharing exists among family and friends and has indicated that it won’t take any steps to block innocent sharing along those lines. At the same time, the company says it has created technology that allows it to better understand user behaviors and that if it finds any that don’t seem to make sense, it has ‘mechanisms in place’ to deal with any perceived abuses. Indicators to the company could be things like an unusually long list of allowed devices on the account, or seeing that your general region seems to be continuously expanded to areas beyond your account address.