How to Change Your Netflix Password From a Web Browser

This is the most direct way to access your Netflix account controls and change your password. You’ll have a full keyboard and more control when navigating.

How to Change Your Netflix Password From Mobile

If you only use Netflix on a mobile device, you can change your password from your Android or iOS phone or tablet.

How to Change Your Netflix Password From Older and Unsupported Mobile Devices

There are two Netflix apps for mobile because Netflix only supports current devices that haven’t been modified or rooted. If your device was modified or it’s outside the support window, you’re probably running the unsupported semi-official Netflix app that’s essentially a portal to the Netflix website. You can still change your password, and it’s similar to the browser version. Logging in to Netflix from an unfamiliar device (such as a newly purchased computer, tablet, or smartphone) immediately sends a notification to the primary subscriber’s email. This notice contains details about the login, including the location and the type of device used to log in. If this access is authorized, you can ignore the email. If not, you can take several steps.

How to Kick Someone Off of a Netflix Account

There’s an option to require all devices to sign in again with the new password. If you don’t want to share the new Netflix password, select this option. This logs all connected devices out of the Netflix account, and only those with the new password can log back in. If you change a password and decide later to restrict access to the account, there’s a sign out of all devices option in the Account settings, which will sign other users off the Netflix account. As a courtesy, you, as the primary subscriber, may want to alert other users that you no longer wish to share the Netflix password.

What to Do If Your Netflix Account Is Hacked

If someone tries to access a Netflix account in a nefarious manner, you’ll receive an email notification about the activity and instructions on what to do next. These options include changing the Netflix password or the email address associated with the account. Netflix recommends doing this through the Need help? option on the login page. Using this method to set a new password requires an email address or phone number so that further instructions can be sent using email, text, or a phone call. Recovering an email address requires the primary subscriber’s first and last name, and the credit or debit card associated with the account.  

What to Do If You’re Kicked Out of Your Netflix Account

If an unauthorized user accesses a Netflix account and changes the password, the primary subscriber can visit the Netflix Help Center or call customer service through the number provided in the alert email. The customer service representative asks the subscriber several questions to verify the account and can make changes to the account remotely. These changes include updating the password and the email address associated with the account. Customer service can also provide details about the hack, including the location from which it originated and what type of device was used. The customer service representative may recommend changing the email address associated with the account, as it would be easy for an intruder to change the password again with access to the original email address.

Other Netflix Password Tips

Once all issues are resolved, the primary subscriber receives an email reviewing the problem and another link to the Netflix Help Center with articles on how to keep a Netflix account secure. Netflix recommends keeping a unique password for an account and changing it periodically. Netflix suggests a password that is at least eight characters long, with a mix of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols and no dictionary words, names, or personal information.