You could have a notable account in a few weeks or months if you’re willing to learn how to perfect this intensive follower-building trend.

What Are Instagram Shoutouts?

An Instagram shoutout is just what it sounds like: a public plug or endorsement from a user. Here’s how shoutouts work: Consider two different Instagram users who are trying to build their followers. The two users will agree to give each other a shoutout by posting a photo or a video and instructing their followers to follow the other account. Shoutout posts often involve photos or videos from the account they’re shouting out. This technique is one of the fastest and most effective ways to build followers on Instagram. Unfortunately, getting a great shoutout is not as easy as it sounds. It requires networking and a willingness to feature different users’ content on your account as part of the shoutout or s4s agreement. If you want to get a shoutout that gets the best results (a.k.a. lots more followers), there are a few things you should know first. Use the following five tips to guide you in your first quest to getting a great Instagram shoutout. Your best bet is to find users who share similar interests with you based on their content because their followers are the ones who will notice your stuff and decide to follow you. One way to find like-minded users is by searching for Instagram tags that match your interests. Most of the time, users will only agree to a shoutout if you have a similar number of followers. It’s only fair. Once you work your way up to at least one thousand followers, it gets a lot easier to do shoutouts with fellow users who are interested in growing their followers. It’s only polite to engage with the users you want to ask for a shoutout, and it shows that you’re interested in their content. Try giving their photos or videos a few likes, comment on them, and even follow them to let them know you’re serious. Remember that social media—including Instagram—is all about engagement. A little social media interaction can go a long way, and it’s the simplest way to network online. Don’t spam users just to get noticed. You should always find targeted users with similar content and followers and start by engaging a little with them first. Now you can directly contact the user to ask them if they’d be interested in a shoutout. First, look for an email button (if their profile is a business account), or an email address typed in their bio. If none is listed, try reaching them through an Instagram Direct private message. And remember that even though high numbers look great, real engagement from active followers is what matters. Be mindful of providing excellent content to your Instagram community, and you’ll have no problem with keeping them interested in following you.