Although Instagram was really the first social platform to generate the bulk of the #ThrowbackThursday and #TBT posts, you can pretty much find them everywhere now — including Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Snapchat and even on blogs and websites. Heck, even traditional media outlets like TV and radio stations have embraced the trend! Instead of posting a photo you took just last week or a bland photo from your childhood, use some of these funnier throwback ideas to really give your friends and followers a reason to like and comment. The more culturally nostalgic, funny or awkward you can make it, the better. Whether you once rocked a mullet in your fifth-grade school picture or never went a day without wearing your neon green and pink sneakers, old trends like these are perfect for being resurrected in a #TBT post. And who doesn’t love reminiscing over the happiest moments of their own childhood, let alone how much their own appearance has changed in some of the funniest and most surprising ways imaginable? Break out the old family photo albums to see what you can find. A lot of us have fond memories and photos of old cats, dogs, goldfish, gerbils, rabbits, hamsters and other fun-filled furry critters we had as kids that we could probably dig up for a #TBT. Remembering them can be sort of bittersweet, but still enjoyably sentimental. And even though most of these things used to be pretty mainstream just a few years ago, the thought of using any of them now is somewhat laughable. Snap a photo of your old discman or your Disney VHS collection to see what your friends think of it. Hearing the first few seconds of a song you haven’t listened to in years can bring back a lot of memories and laughs from a time when it was still new and popular. Build a playlist of tracks from another decade or share a YouTube music video of a song that gives you nostalgia-induced goosebumps. The characters, the acting and the special effects are almost certainly nothing like what they are today. Share a favorite clip or screencap — maybe with a specific quote — for your Throwback Thursday post to remind your friends of the simpler forms of entertainment we used to enjoy so much. Chances are you have some funny photos that really capture the style and essence of your old house or backyard, a bedroom you shared with a sibling, a past summer job or the school you went to as a kid. Even if you haven’t visited the space in years, a photo can be enough to take you all the way back and give your friends the giggles. Whether you spent your weekends at the family cottage as a kid or got the opportunity to study abroad, exciting trips from your past usually leave you with some of the most unforgettable moments of your life. Crack open your vacation or travel albums and post a great photo from a special trip. If you still have that old stuffed animal, train set, doll or dinosaur that you loved so much as a kid, why not take it out and snap a quick photo for Throwback Thursday? Tell a funny story about how you used to play with it or what you used to do to imagine it come to life on your head as a kid. Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Easter, New Year’s, college graduation and even your birthday probably marked some big moments in your life — all of which make for great content in your Throwback Thursday posts.